Map tooltip script and image if nothing to display in map

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Map tooltip script and image if nothing to display in map

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    I would like to know two things if you can help. First, where is the code for the $tooltip_content actually located, I have been searching far and wide with no luck. Second, how can I have an image display if there is not event for a day? I am using the shortcodes to display maps by day of the week, but if there is not event it is just a blank page. Can I have it show a default image?

    Thanks for your help, Dave

    David Mack

    The event map shortcode is handled in event-organiser-pro/includes/shortcodes.php, and to change the tooltip content you can use the filter eventorganiser_event_map_tooltip. See this page on editing the events map tooltip content.

    Unfortunately you can’t change the output depending on whether there are events there, so you may have add your own shortcode to perform that logic, and then use [event_map] todo the ‘heavy lifting’. I’ll look into adding a filter for that however in 1.9

    Stephen Harris
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