Map shows 9 events out of 15 in the category

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Map shows 9 events out of 15 in the category

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #19114

    as the subject says, basically…
    There are 15 events in category “Canada” that have a venue, only 9 of them show up on the map.
    Each event is assigned to two categories.

    Here’s the shortcode I use to display the map:

    [event_map width="100%" height="500px" event_category="canada" showpastevents="false"]

    Hi Willow,

    By default at most 10 events are returned to be displayed on the map (this number is configurable – use the numberposts attribute). Of the returned events only those events which have venues with an address will be displayed.

    So what I suspect is happening here is that 10 of the 15 events in the specified category are being displayed on the map, but one of them cannot be because it doesn’t have a venue (or that venue has no address).

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks, this is resolved!

    I knew about numberposts – at some point at least, but then disregarded that as the cause because all 15 events have maps. Or so I thought…
    Added numberposts and it worked. Now 14 events show up, which I guess, means that one of them doesn’t have a venue.

    So they’re added to the map in some kind of sequential order?
    I thought that if, let’s say the 10th event doesn’t have a venue, the map would try listing the 11th one etc. Just a quirky coincidence, threw me off 🙂

    Thanks again, Stephen.


    Yes, date order (by default).

    For performance reasons it checks events to see if they have a longitude/latitude (which as actually assigned to the venue), after they are pulled out of the database.

    In a future update it may only pull out events with venues, which means you wouldn’t have ‘missing events’ (unless a venue doesn’t have an address).

    Stephen Harris
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