location for template copies

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    I’ve copied the template files into my theme directory, and everything works fine. However, when the theme is updated the template files are deleted. The theme (Dynamik child theme for Genesis) keeps its custom files in the uploads directory at uploads/dynamik-gen/theme/. when I put the template files in that directory, EO doesn’t find them. Any ideas on how to add the templates to this custom directory and have EO know where they are? (I’ve added the templates to the parent Genesis theme directory as well, they work there, but are deleted on update also). Thanks.


    Its possible with a bit of custom code to put the templates anywhere (including uploads directory which I may support automatically in future versions).

    I’ll post an article on this next week.

    Stephen Harris
    Stephen Harris
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