Limit one ticket per person

This topic contains 18 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10056

    It looks all right

    But its possible to choose all three options and event organiser sums the total amount.
    This means: If you click on all three options you get three tickets even though it looks like you have ordered just one. and it´s not possible to go back
    Is that because of the bug?

    Urban Norlander

    Right now i changed the radio buttons to checkbox.
    I´d prefer radio buttons but until it works it´s the second best option

    Urban Norlander

    Now it´s impossible to submit mor than one ticket in total.
    I don´t no whats wrong. I´ve tried to create anorher form and it´s ok to submit one ticket but than it says that it´s impossible to make anymore bookings. I have tried with a different email. But still no luck I can only submit one ticket in total.

    Please help. I cant use event organiser if this problem continues


    Urban Norlander

    Hi Urban,

    But its possible to choose all three options and event organiser sums the total amount.
    This means: If you click on all three options you get three tickets even though it looks like you have ordered just one. and it´s not possible to go back
    Is that because of the bug?

    Yes. And an up date will be released in the next few days which fixes this.

    If you have just changed ‘radio’ to checkbox in my above snippet then it will not work. The following can be used to display checkboxes:

     <td class="eo-booking-ticket-qty">
          <?php $checked =  ( !empty( $input['tickets'][$ticket_id] ) ); ?>
          <input type="checkbox" data-eo-ticket-qty="<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>" name="eventorganiser[booking][tickets][<?php echo $ticket_id;?>]" <?php checked( $checked ); ?> value="1" />
    Stephen Harris
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