Hi there
Sorry if this has been asked before – I want to create an event with 20 max attendees which each user can only buy one ticket each – is this possible?
Also I’d like to create a free to book event – is it possible to hide the cost box?

Dan T
Hi Dan,
I think I emailed someone about this – I’ll dig that code up and write a tutorial.
As for hiding the amount – no not yet. I’m about to release 1.2, and 1.3 will focus on the booking form in which it’ll be a lot more flexible to do things like that. (although you could just hide it with some CSS).

Stephen Harris
Is there any update related to being able to limit ticket purchases to one per person?

JB Woodruff
Yes, I would also like to have that option.

Gabriel Beauchamp
There is the ‘Simple Booking Mode’ (see http://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/announcements/version-1-4-what-to-expect/#simple-booking-mode). Currently it is only possible when for non-recurring events, unless you are selling ‘by series’.

Stephen Harris
Thank you Stephen. I’ll see if this meets my client’s needs.

JB Woodruff
Not really what I need. I am looking to have multiple ticket options, but you can only buy 1 ticket… Like a radio button option.

Gabriel Beauchamp
@Gabriel You can do that too. Edit the template eo-ticket-picker.php
in event-organiser-pro/templates
(copy to your theme first). And change the type of the booking quantity field (~line 77) from ‘number’ to radio and set the value to 1. Of course that’s not foolproof in that, for example, someone could edit the mark-up in their browser and change the quantity from 1. You can prevent that by following the second part of this tutorial: http://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/tutorial/limit-bookings-to-one-ticket/. (The tutorial itself is about ensuring a user can only ever make one booking for an event, and that it can only contain one ticket – so you only need part of it).

Stephen Harris
Here is my scenario.
I teach dance classes.
I want to be able to have my students register for classes.
There is a limit of 10 guys and 10 girls.
So 10 tickets for guys and 10 tickets for girls.
When the user registers, they need to select their ticket, but be able to purchase more than 1 since it does not make sense in this scenario.
You think you can help me out?

Gabriel Beauchamp
I was typing at the same time as your answer.. I will try that.

Gabriel Beauchamp
Thanks! That works nicely for me! 🙂

Gabriel Beauchamp

Gabriel Beauchamp
Ideally in a separate plug-in (which you create), but it can go in your theme’s functions.php

Stephen Harris
I´ve tried to change “number” to “radio” and “0” to “1” in the “eo-ticket-picker.php” but I can’t make it work.
Is this what I´m supposed to change?
<td class=”eo-booking-ticket-qty”>
<?php $value = ( isset( $input[‘tickets’][$ticket_id] ) ? $input[‘tickets’][$ticket d] : 0 ); ?>
<input type=”number” data-eo-ticket-qty=”<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>” name=”eventorganiser[booking][tickets][<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>]” max=”<?php echo $spaces; ?>” style=”width:auto;” min=”0″ value=”<?php echo esc_attr( $value );?>” />
<td class=”eo-booking-ticket-qty”>
<?php $value = ( isset( $input[‘tickets’][$ticket_id] ) ? $input[‘tickets’][$ticket_d] : 1 ); ?>
<input type=”radio” data-eo-ticket-qty=”<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>” name=”eventorganiser[booking][tickets][<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>]” max=”<?php echo $spaces; ?>” style=”width:auto;” min=”0″ value=”<?php echo esc_attr( $value );?>” />

Urban Norlander
Hi Urban,
The following is the correct mark-up for using radio boxes.
<td class="eo-booking-ticket-qty">
<?php $checked = ( !empty( $input['tickets'] ) && $input['tickets'] == $ticket_id ); ?>
<input type="radio" data-eo-ticket-qty="<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>" name="eventorganiser[booking][tickets]" <?php checked( $checked ); ?> value="<?php echo esc_attr( $ticket_id );?>" />
However, there is a bug in the booking form javascript – and a fix shall be released shortly.

Stephen Harris