License is not valid

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #36501


    I can’t update my pro plugin because the license code isn’t recognized.
    Today I updated the plugin manually, but the error still exists:

    The license key you have entered is invalid. Purchase a license key.Help


    Olaf Lederer

    I noticed also that the automatic updates for the frontend submission didn’t worked. Did a manual update as well this time.

    Olaf Lederer

    Hi Olaf,

    The license appear valid. You maybe seeing if error if your site was unable to validate the license key. It caches the validity status and expiry date quite aggressively so it can sometimes appear as invalid. I’m looking to roll out some updates with Event Organiser 3.0 which will improve this.

    It shouldn’t, however, impact the functioning of the plug-in.

    Stephen Harris
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To enable me to focus on Pro customers, only users who have a valid license for the Pro add-on may post new topics or replies in this forum. If you have a valid license, please log-in or register an account using the e-mail address you purchased the license with. If you don't you can purchase one here. Or there's always the WordPress repository forum.