Licence Keys

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24841


    I re-purchase Event Orgnaiser Pro -Business on the 9/10/16

    It says that I will receive a licence key via email, the email only listed

    • Event Organiser Pro – Business –

    o … CVL (now expires on October 22, 2017)

    o … CVM (now expires on October 22, 2017)

    o … CVN (now expires on October 22, 2017)

    o … CVO (now expires on October 22, 2017)

    So, I through that it would be the same as before however, my plug-in is also telling me that ‘The license key you have entered is invalid’

    Greg Allen

    Hi Greg,

    Your keys have been updated and are valid. I suspect that the plug-in is unable to communicate with the license key server. This might be a temporary issue. In any case, the plug-in should continue to function as before.

    Stephen Harris
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To enable me to focus on Pro customers, only users who have a valid license for the Pro add-on may post new topics or replies in this forum. If you have a valid license, please log-in or register an account using the e-mail address you purchased the license with. If you don't you can purchase one here. Or there's always the WordPress repository forum.