Latest update wiped data

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #18099


    Stephen I applied your latest update 2.13.5 and after all my events and bookings were gone????

    Having to resore from a backup.

    Any ideas?

    Alex Steer

    Hi Alex,

    The only relevant change was to register the database tables early (see this thread:

    However this alone would not cause the issue you describe. When you say events/bookings are gone, do you mean they were deleted from the database or just not viewable? I think the latter would make more sense but again, the update itself wouldnt have caused this. But I’m happy to help you investigate this further.

    Stephen Harris

    Not 100% sure the update was the cause yet – still looking at it.

    All bookings and event data was missing from the wp_admin and frontend – However I believe the data remains in the database.

    I have been working with my host all day to resolve and had to revert back to an old backup to get the site going again.

    The host has asked if could you provide an sql script so we can add the newer data to the rebuild, they weren’t sure which tables needed to updated and copied.

    Alex Steer

    It would probably be best to a full database rebuild. But on top of the default WordPress tables there are the following tables:

    • eo_events
    • eo_venuemeta
    • eo_booking_tickets
    • eo_booking_ticketmeta

    The exact names will depend on the prefix of your wp-config.php file.

    Stephen Harris

    Are these tables the only that have reference or link to bookings?

    Alex Steer

    Bookings are in the posts table. So you’ll want to include post_meta too. Bookings made by a logged-in user, will reference a user ID too.

    Stephen Harris
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