Language doesn`t update

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #21341


    I have made several changes to my eventorganiserp-de_DE.po file but they do not appear in the frontend. How can I solve this? Thanks

    Another question: is there a shortcode to add a switch from calendar to list view for the user?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by  Marcus Müller.
    Marcus Müller

    Have you updated the .po file. You won’t be able to do that manually, you’ll need some software like Poedit.

    Another question: is there a shortcode to add a switch from calendar to list view for the user

    Yes, but it wasn’t intended to be used as such:

    [eo_fullcalendar headerCenter="listMonth,month,listWeek"]

    will display buttons ‘month’, ‘month’ and ‘week’. There isn’t a way of configuring that I’m afraid..

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you! I have edited the po File manually and can`t find the paragraphs now with Poedit. How can I solve this please?

    Marcus Müller

    I’m not sure I understand you. What paragraphs are you referring to?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi I have uploaded the .po file and generated a new mo file too.
    But my changes do not appear.

    Marcus Müller

    Where have you uploaded the .mo file too? It’ll only be found if it is named and located correctly. I.e.

    When you have finished translating, the software should have created a .po and .mo file for you. These will be of the form:

    • Event Organiser: wp-content/languages/event-organiser/eventorganiser-de_DE.po
    • Event Organiser Pro: wp-content/languages/event-organiser-pro/eventorganiserp-de_DE.po
    Stephen Harris
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