Keep selection from one event day to the next

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Keep selection from one event day to the next

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    I have a camp that runs for 3 days and customers can book for one day or any combination. I have set it up to sell 3 types of tickets – one valid for each of the days. But when I test this, if a customer selects a ticket for the first day, then navigates to the second day, the original selection is lost.

    I previously tried creating 3 types of tickets, each valid on all days. This worked with some post processing, but the bookings showed up for the day on which they selected.

    Can you please provide any suggestions on how this should be configured?



    Hi Tania,

    I’m afraid when selling ‘by date’, each booking must be for a specific date. That is, when the user selects a date, that is the date they are booking for. If they want to book other dates, then a separate booking has to be made.

    Stephen Harris
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