JetPack Social Sharing

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  stephenpea 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #4974

    Overall I am very pleased with this plugin though I have found one concern.

    It doesn’t appear the WordPress’s JetPack sharing feature is compatible – as it doesn’t show on single event pages.

    Can this be added in future? As well as ability to share on social media when initially published?


    Hi Stephen,

    I’ve never looked at JetPack (and in particular its social media sharing feature). Does it generally work for other ‘post types’ ( pages, posts, etc).

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, while JetPack offers many extended functions – adding social sharing buttons to posts and pages is one, as is posting to social media profiles when a post is published. It works with every theme I’ve ever tried, but it failed to work on the 4 event management plugins I tried out. Guess it is a custom post thing.

    However, if your plugin did integrate with those features – it would be a major selling point I would think.


    After spotting this, it doesn’t seem its possible. It is ‘Publicize’ that you’re referring to, right?

    Stephen Harris

    Well, two separate features I’m interested in from JetPack

    Social Sharing button on posts, pages, maybe custom post types too
    Publicize – sadly, doesn’t look like they support custom post types yet…

    Thanks for looking into this!

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