Is there a maxium limit in how many bookings can be performed??

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Is there a maxium limit in how many bookings can be performed??

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 3 years, 3 months ago.

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    Besides from the limits that we set for the number of tickets available, is there a technical limit to the number of tickets/reservations made for a single event?

    Can I use this for an event where I expect to have 3000 registrations?

    thanks in advance!

    Rene Kroes

    No, events can have any any number of bookings.

    Bookings are created in the post table, but they joined to events via the eo_booking_tickets table. The booking ID and event ID (and occurrence ID) are indexed on that table to allow for quick look-ups. Computing of available spaces is also cached, as that will need to pull out all confirmed bookings for an event.

    You may want to perform load tests, however. As for any given CPU/memory there will come a point where it will struggle. Additionally a lot depends on what other plug-ins you have running and what they might be doing.

    Stephen Harris
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