is there a known issue with IE9 & venue maps?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question is there a known issue with IE9 & venue maps?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    We have recently rolled out the latest version only to find that all our venue maps are gone on IE9. They all seem fine on 10 & 11 and all’s well in Chrome but the entire office is on IE9 so no one can see venue maps in-house!

    we’re running WP 3.8.1 and EO 2.6.0 / EO Pro 1.6.1

    Michael Waugaman

    Sorry – should also add that we’re seeing a ZERO_RESULTS error

    Michael Waugaman

    we can close this – seems we have unrelated issues with the managed network and it looks like this was a side effect of those.

    Michael Waugaman

    Glad that’s sorted 🙂

    Stephen Harris
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