Is it possible to export venues?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #22173

    I would like to export a list of the venues so that I can create a map for the printed festival programme, is there a way of doing this?

    Kim Harding

    There’s no feature that supports this (the CSV export doesn’t include venue details yet). Though it would be possible to write a script to output venue details in a particular format. What data are you trying to extract and in what format?

    Stephen Harris

    Ideally I would like to be able to extract all the venue data into a csv file and I could then sort it as required. At minimum would want name and address with post code, better if it included lat/lon as well.

    Kim Harding

    Hi Kim,

    Here’s a script which will generate that CSV:

    You’ll need to implement how you are going to invoke that script. I’d recommend making it into a WP-Cli plug-in if you are familiar with it.

    Stephen Harris
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