Invoice PDF

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22944

    Hi, me again, first i just like to say – thanks for this phantastic plugin with a lot of possibilitys!
    and again another question: is there an extension or a function for auto creating invoice pdf files?
    it would be great to use the booking confirmation email
    along with a pdf file which draws the data from the booking fields.
    i guess for a lot of projects without online payment that would be a simplification of workflow.
    thanks for any ideas!
    Greetings, Peter

    Peter Wesche

    Hi Peter,

    It would be possible to do that. It’s a little tricky, as to attach a PDF file that has been generated on the fly to an e-mail you need to access the PHPMailer object, but it is possible.

    There are actions fired when a booking confirmation e-mail is sent, and you can use that to generate (using TCPDF or FPDF libraries) and attach a PDF to the e-mail.

    Booking data can be retrieved using the meta data function. So all the pieces are there but the solution would still have to be developed.

    Stephen Harris
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