Invalid License

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Luc Gagnon 8 years ago.

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    I bought a Pro license last year and when I go in WordPress, I have a notice telling it’s invalid. How come? I sent an email yesterday night to about this.

    Thanks for your help.


    Luc Gagnon

    Hi Luck,

    The license key was registered to what appears to be a staging/development site. I’ve since cleared it, so its now available for use on the production site.

    However, please note that the key will expire on the 28th March unless renewed. You can renew it from your account.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I still have the notice that the license is invalid.


    Luc Gagnon

    It appears the staging site is still using the key, and registered use of it before the production site.

    The key can only be used on one site, so if you first remove it from your staging/testing site then I can clear it for you.

    The plug-in should continue to function regardless.

    Stephen Harris

    I desactivated the pro plugin on the staging site. Do I have to remove it completely?

    Luc Gagnon

    I really need to get this working so I bought a new license. Now, the license is valid but I have no booking form showing in my event. If I edit the event, I see my tickets and I have a booking form selected but when I view the event page, there is no form. I’ve updated the plugin as well.
    Thanks for your help, Luc

    Luc Gagnon

    Hi Luc,

    Common reasons for why this might be the case:

    • The event has finished*
    • The event has sold out*
    • The tickets have 0 quantity
    • No tickets are currently on sale (if you have set a sale period for the tickets)
    • The tickets have no dates.

    * An appropriate message is displayed in these instances, so this doesn’t appear to the cause in your case.

    The last one is probably the cause. If you are selling tickets ‘by date’, then you have to select the occurrences for which that ticket is available. (There are ‘select all’ and ‘deselect all’ buttons for this). However, if you subsequently edit the event and the occurrences change, then your existing tickets might be linked to occurrences that now no longer exist, so be sure to edit them and ensure the appropriate dates are selected. This is only an issue if you are selling tickets by date.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen. It’s finally working. Don’t know why it did not work the first time though… cause I didn’t change a thing other than stopping and reactivating a custom plugin where I have some custom php that relates to Event Organizer!

    Luc Gagnon
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To enable me to focus on Pro customers, only users who have a valid license for the Pro add-on may post new topics or replies in this forum. If you have a valid license, please log-in or register an account using the e-mail address you purchased the license with. If you don't you can purchase one here. Or there's always the WordPress repository forum.