integration with gravity forms

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10080

    the form builder is ok – but id rather use gravity – more options style ect..

    wolf wolf

    The problem with supporting Gravity Forms is that it would mean effectively duplicating (as well as complicating) booking form handling. That would be ok if the Event Organiser only used Gravity Forms, but that imposes a barrier (and additional cost) to the end user, as well as making the plug-in dependent on third-party software (apart from WordPress, of course 😉 ).

    As such the focus will be (and is) on improving the form customiser. Changes to the codebase are currently in progress so as to facilitate improvements to existing features, as well as add more features (including per-ticket fields and ‘priced’ fields. Conditional logic and nested fields are also being looked at ).

    With regards to styling, the plug-in tries to keep that to a minimum so that it doesn’t conflict with the theme. The idea is that your theme knows better than the plug-in how things should look. That said, various classes are added to help style the theme as desired.

    Stephen Harris

    Just an updatehere: A custom class setting will be added for 1.7, and other settings to be added include:

    • Allowing fields to be “nested” (but, only beneath the fieldset element) (1.7 – End of April / beginning of May)
    • Moving booking name/e-mail and button within the form customiser (1.8)
    • Adding conditional logic (TBA, tentatively 1.9).

    Updates are typically one month apart (subject to sufficient beta testing), but 1.8 shall be a very import, but small update. So 1.9 may follow sooner.

    Stephen Harris
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