Integrate WP-Members in the booking tool

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Integrate WP-Members in the booking tool

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #11061

    Hi Harris
    I would like to integrate WP-Members in the booking tool. When somebody is booking a event, he always gets an account according to my settings. For this, the name and the email is needed for registration. What I would like to have is: that the registration form from the WP-Members is used. Is this possible?

    Manuel Hallauer

    Hi Manuel,

    (Is this the plug-in you’re referring to?)

    It’s possible to integrate the two, but it would require some custom code. Since 1.7.0 you can programtically add additional fields to the booking form. If the user isn’t logged-in you could add other fields that you require for membership registration, and then if the booking is successful, use that information in creating a membership account.

    There are examples of adding fields here: And also for validating entered information, see the same link. For processing bookings you’d probably need to use the eventorganiser_pre_gateway_booking hook (See includes/booking-actions.php). (I’m assuming here that WP-Members has some sort of API by which members can be registered).

    If you require membership payment as well, that would complicate things a little (and if you want some sort of recurring billing, that would probably involve alot of work).

    If you’d like to hire me to integrate the two plug-ins for you, then feel free to send an e-mail via this form detailing exactly what you’d like, and I’ll get in touch with a quote for you.

    Stephen Harris
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