Installing 1.4 over Free Version

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dave Navarro 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7550

    I just purchased the Pro version and I didn’t see anything in the tutorials regarding replacing the free version…

    Do I just deactivate the free version then activate Pro?

    Dave Navarro

    No, Pro is installed alongside the free version.

    Stephen Harris

    Oh, it works as a plugin to the free version… very clever.

    Dave Navarro

    Um, I put in the Payment Key, but it won’t activate.

    Dave Navarro

    Nevermind, they were in the email. Although, it would be nice if you could put them in the admin screen in case the email gets lost.

    Dave Navarro
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