Include the Organiser in the event list shortcode

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Include the Organiser in the event list shortcode

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  CYCOffice 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    We use your event organiser plugin to run a sailing clubs race program.

    We would like to generate a list of events which include the name of the event organiser, and an attribute from his membership profile (his contact information).

    Can you show me how to get the organiser attribute from the event and extend the eo_event shortcode?


    Hi Louise,

    There are two ways of changing the output of the event list shortcode, discussed on this page:

    Unfortunately there are no placeholders available for details of the organiser (I can look to add this in a future release if that will be helpful). However, rather than using placeholders, you can copy the template file into your theme and edit it there.

    To get the ID of the event organiser:

    $organiser_id = get_the_author_meta( 'ID' );

    You can then use the default WordPress functions to retrieve data on that user ID.

    $organiser = new WP_User( $organiser_id );
    $organiser_name = $organiser->display_name;
    //first name: $organiser->first_name;
    //last name: $organiser->last_name;

    with regards to retrieving an attribute from his membership profile, that will depend on where that data is stored. If it is stored as user meta then you can use get_user_meta()

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for the help, that worked a treat!

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