Import Venues via CSV File?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lorie Travis 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #26531

    Hi Stephen,

    I’ve read everything on the forum and installed the CSV Import plugin.<br />
    However, it doesn’t
    seem to import venues, only events?

    We are a canoe club and have 70+ sections of rivers I need to add to the EO venues.<br />
    I have
    a csv file I used to import them into the Modern Tribe Events Calendar,
    can you let me know how I go about importing these
    into Event Organiser please.

    Also note that the lat/long are very important.



    Lorie Travis

    Hi Lorie,

    The CSV plug-in can import venues (though not by default – see this page for details), however it does not import any meta data.

    It would be possible to modify the script support venue address details, however. What is the format of your CSV file? Can you give an example row?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Here is the example row you requested.

    Bow River – Clubhouse to Fish Creek Park Novice, Class I Calgary Alberta Canada 51.223767 -114.700769



    Lorie Travis

    Ah, so it’s just a CSV of venues, rather than events (with venue data)? The Event Organiser CSV plug-in was only designed to import events, so that plug-in will not work.

    Are you familiar with, and comfortable using, wp-cli? I will be happy to write up a quick wp-cli command for you to import those venues. Unfortunately I’m not in a position where I’m able to develop something with a GUI for you to import venues.

    Stephen Harris

    A wp-cli command would be great, yes please! I do work with a web developer and with her help I am
    sure I can make it work.


    Lorie Travis

    Hi Lorie,

    The plug-in for adding a WP-CLI command and documentation can be found here:

    Please run the command with --dry-run to see how the venues would be created, just to make sure everything is correct.

    Stephen Harris

    Wow, that’s great Stephen. It’ll take me a couple of days to get this done, we are doing other dev
    work right now. Will let you know how it goes!
    Thanks so much!

    Lorie Travis

    Hi Stephen,

    The WP-CLI command worked great! Our web developer took care of it for me as it was a bit beyond
    my skills. Saved us/me HOURS of work!


    Lorie Travis
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