If user is logged in you have that cool booking notice on top. I would like to add two links to this notice after “Log out” link:
Profile edit link to bbPress profile edit page (this seems to be the best front end solution for users to edit their profile) As I googled for solution I found that I can get link with this code: bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() )
I believe that I have to edit class-eo-booking-form-view.php somewhere around line 178.
Link to static Events attending page on my website.
I have been trying to make this happen, but couldn’t get it right. This should be peace of cake for you. Please help me if you can.

Rolands Rudītis
Yes, but at this point there’s not a ‘nice’ way of doing this. The booking form API is under continual improvements, and one of the next items (due for Pro 1.10) is having allowing notices to be added and removed in the same way you can currently add/remove errors.
In the mean time there is the eventorganiser_booking_form_notices
filter. This filters the HTML mark-up of the notices. So with a str_replace
you can insert, change or remove text, but it’s unfortunately a very hacky way of doing.
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_booking_display_errors', 'my_change_booking_notices', 10, 2 );
function my_change_booking_notices( $html, $form_id ){
//Change $html;
$view_profile = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
bbp_get_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ),
'View profile'
$page_id = 55;//TODO Change this ID to the 'events you're attending page'.
$view_events = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
get_permalink( $page_id ),
'View attending events'
$html = str_replace(
"You have already made a booking for this event.",
"You have already made a booking for this event. $view_profile | $view_events"
return $html;
Note that you will need to replace the above English text with the text that appears in your language (if different). Also note that I’ve used bbp_get_user_profile_url()
instead of bbp_user_profile_url()
. You’ll need to change ’55’ above t the ID of the static page used for the listing the user’s events.

Stephen Harris