iCal plugin and custom fields

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8560

    I have an ical-feed from an ticketing service that event organiser automatically gets it´s data from. The ticketing service that we are using has added “sales” information to the ical-feed “summary” field. This field also contains the the event heading. The summary field is now showing “EVENT or SHOW NAME” + “Tickets are available or No Tickets are available”.

    Now i would replace the textinformation “Tickets are available or No Tickets are available” text with an icon/image. This could be done with css. However the event title is on the same textfield.

    Is it possible to add separate fields to the ical-feed from the ticket office, that event organiser can then later add?

    Any suggestions how to solve this?

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    Niklas Forsberg

    Hi Niklas,

    I’ll be adding filters to imported feeds that will make this task a bit better, but here’s a solution for now

    add_filter( 'the_content', 'niklas_reaplce_text_with_icon' );
    function niklas_reaplce_text_with_icon( $content ){
        if( 'event' == get_post_type() ){
           //Path to icons used. Assumed wp-content/[theme-name]/img/[icon].png
           $icon_tickets_available = get_stylesheet_directory_uri()."/img/icon-tickets-available.png";
           $icon_tickets_unavailable = get_stylesheet_directory_uri()."/img/icon-tickets-unavailable.png";
           $content = str_replace( 
                 "Tickets are available",
           $content = str_replace( 
                 "Tickets are unavailable",
        return $content;

    (Please note, this is completely untested).

    Why would doing this as the event is imported be better?

    1. the_content runs on the front-end. In the text editor you’ll still see the text.
    2. It’s something which can be done earlier (i.e. when the event is imported) – so by doing it on the front-end as the page loads for a visitor is doing unnecessary work.

    The above mentioned filters should be added in Event Organiser 2.7. In the mean time, I hope that helps!

    Stephen Harris
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