HI Stephen, i thought i’d try the eo_subscribe short code so users could add a single event to the calendar on their phones. I took a punt and tried this code: [eo_subscribe title=”add to iCal” type=”ical” event=”get_event_id”] Add to iCal [/eo_subscribe] which generates the feed fine, but it does it for ALL the events, not just the current one. Is it technically possible? (also, you’ve been an amazing help so far. Anyone wondering about buying this plugin should just buy it already and be done with it.)

Ardin Beech
Hi Ardin,
Thank you, I’m glad you’re happy with my service 🙂
(Someone else has requested this too: http://wp-event-organiser.com/forums/topic/ical-ics-for-single-events-not-all-event-feed/).
Currently its not possible using the shortcode, but the link does provide a work-around. In 2.6.0 this will be added, but I need to check what happens when you subscribe to several events (my guess would be that it creates a seperate calendar for each event, which is not ideal).
Another shortcode which may be added would be an implementation of eo_get_add_to_google_link()
– but this doesn’t add recurring events, and you must specific the specific occurence. So it might work well for single events, but not so well for recurring ones. So it would work best as a link added via the templates, or in the event list (so I may add it is as placeholder for the shortcode/widget event list).

Stephen Harris
I don’t have any recurring events, and appending the feed/eo_events to the URL seems to work fine, using ical:// at the start. Thanks! Only thing is, once the event is added to the calendar, the timezone in wrong. (WordPress is set correctly to my zone)
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
Ardin Beech.

Ardin Beech
What timezone is the calendar application in?
The iCal feed will convert the date-time of the (non-all-day) event into UTC format (as per iCal specifications), in the format YYYYMMDDTHHIISSZ
. The calendar application should then interpret that and display in the appropriate timezone according to its settings.
Feel free to provide an example iCal file here and I’ll take a look if you think it’s buggy though 🙂

Stephen Harris
must have been the timezone set on our google calendar at work. You’re the man!

Ardin Beech