iCal 1h diff when subscribe

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5997 Reply

    I’m testing the event organiser plugin. I’m quite happy with it. But I have a problem with the ical subscription. The event shows on my mac cal 1h delayed. So when a event starts at 19:00 it shows in the calendar with 20:00. What is the problem? can you fix this?

    Kind regards

    Stefan Mallepell
    #5998 Reply

    Hi Stefan,

    This may be a simple daylight saving / timezone setting issue… check that you have selected your nearest city (with the same timezone) in the WP settings (WP dashboard > Settings > General > Timezone). The “local time” should be displayed alongside that setting correctly.

    #5999 Reply

    Dear Dario

    Thanks a million! This does the trick. Before I had the timezone set to UTC+2. This is the correct timezone for Zurich. But with this setting the event runs 1 h behind in the mac cal. When I put the timezone to “Zurich” then it works. The wp setting page shows for both settings the correct time.

    For me it looks like Event Organiser has a problem with the UTC+2 notation. I’m fine now since the “Zurich” setting works. But you may want to fix this anyway.

    Thank you for your quick answer!

    Stefan Mallepell
    #6002 Reply

    HI Stefan,

    This isn’t a bug. UTC+2 is not always Zurich’s timezone – it is sometimes UTC+1. If you’re timezone is set to UTC+2 then this won’t account for when daylight savings is not in effect.

    Please do not post support questions on the pre-sales forums. Please post them on the “report a bug” forum.

    Stephen Harris
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