I cannot navigate between months on the widget calendar

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question I cannot navigate between months on the widget calendar

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rafael 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2973

    I cannot navigate between months on the widget calendar

    If clicking on the ‘next’ month causes the page to reload – the
    javascript has not been loaded. This is usually because the theme does
    not call wp_footer in the footer.

    If the calendar simply does not respond this is usually because your
    theme does not allow widgets to add their own ID and classes. If you
    are still unable to determine the cause of the problem, or how to fix,
    please use the plug-in forums with a link to your site and I’ll take a

    Hi Stephen,
    I cant resolve the problem, and your plugin is just perfect for us :/
    Any help? Thanks a lot 🙂


    HI Raf,

    I’ll need a link to see what is causing the problem first :). (This might help though: see this thread on the WordPress repository forums)

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen 🙂
    Waoo you are fast :O
    her is the link
    I have to deliver this site end of the week and everything is around the events 🙂 I’ll suggest the girls to buy the pluging “pro” when its ready…


    hey its working in the footer area changing this as you suggest 🙂

    removed swallowed code

    so then I’ll make it work on the right area sidebar 🙂

    thanks a looooooot Stephen 🙂


    No worries :). Cheers!

    Stephen Harris

    Its working 🙂
    The template comes from templatemonster and I finally found it not on the function.php but on
    include /sidebar-init.php
    // Sidebar Widget
    changing this line
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘


    div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    thanks a lot stephen

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