I am not able to change dates of my events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question I am not able to change dates of my events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14692

    enter image description here

    I had created some events just as a test and I had selected random emails.

    Now that I am ready to make the events public, i am trying to change dates but I am not able to select dates anymore.
    If i click on the dates that are not highlighted, they do not get selected.
    If I click on the blue dates, they become white….and then I am not able to go back and highlight/select them anymore.

    Can you please help me?
    thank you so much again

    cinzia rascazzo


    Sorry this is a screenshot of the calendar i am trying to work on.
    thank you again

    cinzia rascazzo

    Sorry to write you again.
    I am trying to create new events…..and even for the new events i cannot select dates in a calendar anymore. When i click on a date, i get no results. is there anythings that i should check in terms of code?


    thank you so much

    cinzia rascazzo

    Thanks for reporting this.

    I can confirm there is some UI-issues with the occurrence picker. An update will be released shortly.

    Stephen Harris
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