How to create another event archive php file

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question How to create another event archive php file

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Alf 12 years ago.

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  • #3386

    Hi, I have question for you

    I recently have succedeed implementing event organiser to my website.
    I have :
    1. small list with only 2 recent event (in Homepage)
    2. general event archive page
    3. single archive page

    So far they all work until I installed Polylang. I created 2 page template for my site and created 2 different categories for the template. Let’s say Homepage.php (with event organiser category=english) and Homepage-id.php (with event organiser category=another language). This way I can differentiate post occured when switch language.

    The problem is, when I clicked general event archive link, the page now become empty (there’s link saying “Edit” left on event archive page). I wonder if I could “make” 2 event archive pages. 1 for my English event archive and the other one is for another language event archive.

    any idea?

    Thank you

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