How to change orders of events ?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 12 months ago.

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    When there are some events in a same day, I would like to change orders depending on categories.

    How can I do this ?

    Toshio Furumachi

    Hi Toshio,

    Unfortunately it’s not possible to order events by categories as categories have no natural ordering.

    Stephen Harris

    OK I understand.

    And can I ask you to enable this ?

    Toshio Furumachi

    Hi Toshio,

    I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Even if categories were assigned an order value (which would require a UI change), events can have no or multiple categories. It is also complicated by pagination (e.g. you can several pages that constitute viewing events on a given day – if there is more than 10 such events).

    What you could do is ensure that the ‘events on day X’ query pulls in all events for that day on to page, and then edit the templates to group those events by category and then loop through those categories. However, that’s not a insignificant degree of development effort, so while I’d be happy to implement that for you, I would have to charge for the time. I can follow up with a quote if might be interested in pursuing that.

    Stephen Harris
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