How to change Event Board Month Colour

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question How to change Event Board Month Colour

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 12 months ago.

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    I’m using the event board to display categories of events.

    However, the Month text is displaying as White on Pale Blue, which is not legible.

    When I try adding to the custom CSS of my theme:

    .eo-eb-date-month {
    background-color: #289dcc;
    color: #444444;

    It is overriden by the plugins settings.

    Can you suggest how I can override the plugin and set the colours?

    Thank you again.


    Hi Louise,

    This can be done in several different ways.

    First of you all you might be able to add !important to those rules.

    Alternatively, you could coy the posterboard template in your theme and edit the lines below:

    <span class="eo-eb-date-month" style="background-color: <%=event_color%>;"><%=event_start_month%></span>
    <span class="eo-eb-date-day" style="background: <%=event_color_light%>;"><%=event_start_day%></span>

    and replacing the colours as required.

    Finally you can over-ride the values of event_color and event_color_light:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_posterboard_item', function( $event ) {
         $event['event_color'] = ''; //set colour here 
         $event['event_color_light'] = '';//set colour here
         return $event;
    } );

    Which is the best method is largely down to preference. Personally, I would use the latter.

    Stephen Harris
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