How to add an image to a venue record

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question How to add an image to a venue record

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi I have just purchased the Pro licence in order to be able to add an image to a venue. However, when I go into Add Featured Image, I am unable to select an image – they are all listed but there doesn’t seem to be any way of getting them on to the venue record.
    Am I being really thick?
    If I go into the text area, and press Add Media, it doesn’t do anything.

    This is quite urgent so I’m hoping someone can help me!

    Susie Brew

    Just as context, what I am trying to do is have a page that shows all the events for a venue. I have done this but on the page is an area where an image should go. I assume this is the image of the venue but I just can’t find a way of adding the image to the venue record.

    Susie Brew

    I have now found an ‘insert into post’ button when I ‘show’ the details of the image I want to select. When I press this it takes me to which is a blank page.

    I can’t do anything from here other than go back and I just can’t find a way of getting an image on to the venue.

    Susie Brew

    Hi Susie,

    It sounds like you’re doing the right thing, but to clarify:

    To attach an image to a venue click “Set featured image” in the “Featured Image” metabox. You should then be able to view you previously uploaded images or upload a new image. If you select an uploaded image then you should be able to click ‘select’ in the bottom right. This will close the modal, and the selected image should appear in the metabox.

    Clicking ‘update venue’ will then save the thumbnail to the image.

    Please note that unless you update your templates (see the thumbnail will not be used anywhere.

    You can add the image to the description of the event, however, by clicking ‘insert media’ in the venue’s textarea, selecting an image and clicking ‘insert into post’.

    As mentioned, it sounds like you’re doing that but getting some odd results. This is likely due to a plug-in conflict. I’d recommend first disabling all other plug-ins one-by-one, and then the theme, to determine which one might be breaking this functionality. If you can isolate a particular plug-in/theme I’d be happy to investigate further.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen thanks for your answer – I guess I must have a conflict because I can’t see anything that enables me to save the image as a Featured Image.
    I don’t really understand the link you provided as I am not a developer so am not sure if it makes any difference.
    Just to check I have installed the pro licence correctly, I have installed the Event Organiser Pro and activated it. I still have Event Organiser and Event Organiser Posterboard activated. Is this correct?
    Nothing really seems to have changed in terms of when I add events, so I am concerned I may not have done something I should have done.


    Susie Brew

    Hi Susie,

    Just to confirm, do you see the ‘featured image’ metabox on the venue admin page. And clicking ‘Set featured image’ opens up the media modal? If so, it sounds like you’re doing everything right, but there is some sort of error on page, which could possibly be due to a plug-in conflict.

    You’re set up regarding Pro, and other extension is correct – they exist alongside each other.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen
    I have upgraded to v5.1.1 WordPress and I can now add a featured image to a venue! However, as you say, it isn’t used in the Placeholder Image box when displaying all events for a venue. Is it possible for you to make this change? It is just odd that it doesn’t display on this page which is why you would add it in the first place and looks strange to the user. I am not a programmer so am unable to make the change myself.

    Susie Brew

    This is an example of what it looks like –

    Susie Brew

    Hi Susie,

    What’s creating that placeholder image?

    The plugin can’t automatically display a the venue image, because its largely the theme that’s left to determine what is displayed. However, it just requires adding:

    echo eo_get_venue_thumbnail( get_queried_object_id(), 'post-thumbnail' );

    to the venue template. I can help with that if required, but if you’re trying to replace the placeholder image it would be good to know what’s creating that in the first place: the theme, or a plugin?

    Stephen Harris
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