How to

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5515

    Hello, with recurring events is there a better way to display the dates, at the moment on the event page it outputs:

    ‘Wednesday 17th April, Wednesday 24th April, Wednesday 1st May, Wednesday 8th May, Wednesday 15th May, Wednesday 22nd May, Wednesday 29th May, Wednesday 5th June, Wednesday 12th June, Wednesday 19th June, Wednesday 26th June, Wednesday 3rd July, Wednesday 10th July, ‘

    Is there a way to replace this with ‘Every Wednesday until 10th July’



    Hi Ross,

    It should output a list of the dates in a (ul) list, then hide all but the next 5 events, with an option to show more. Are you getting the dates as just a comma seperated list?

    The only way to do this is to edit the templates. You may want to look at eo_get_schedule_summary() (see source). That is used to display the summary in the events admin table so you could either use it, or make your define function using that as guideline if you wanted to tweak it.

    Stephen Harris
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