How can I / can I use event.js on front

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question How can I / can I use event.js on front

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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    Or a part of it any way. What I would like to accomplish is to live update the date selections on my front end submission form. Like how you show on the back where it would change the text from”This event will start on xx run every x days” .

    Would this be difficult to do? Could I just include the script on the page with the form and use the same ID’s and classes? (I have no idea…)

    Also how do you display the preview below as I type this?

    One more thing can you add this to your css div.bbp-submit-wrapper {float: left;} the submit button is hidden on an iPhone.


    • This topic was modified 12 years ago by  Michael.

    I wouldn’t include event.js -it may break things. But you can look at the relevant part of the code (
    – the code needs a tidy-up and I might make changes to it (which could break your use of it, if you include it on the front-end).

    It also uses sprintf for JavaScript ( ) – include in the same file.

    Stephen Harris
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