Google Map is not showing

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23548

    i did an upgrade last time of event-organizer
    and the map is not showing … i read about google api and i create one but it dont work.

    here u can see it:

    Christoph Steinlechner

    Hi Christoph,

    It looks like the theme itself is loading Google maps, and is doing so without using an API key. There are also a number of other errors relating to the theme on that page (see the browser console), but the error message where the Google map should appear relates to the fact that a Google maps API key is not being used.

    Event Organiser will load the Google maps API with the key provided, so it looks like (based on the ordering of the scripts) the theme is de-registering that script and loading it itself (without a key).

    Stephen Harris
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