Google Analytics

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #15690

    can you tell me how I can track form submissions wth the new Google Analytics Universal Code (ga)?

    edith mayerhofer

    If this the booking form, then you can designate a return page (where the user is returned to after making a booking), and use the Google analytics code on there.

    The only other option (I believe) is to use Google analytics to capture the ‘on click’ event of the booking form. This involves adding an onClick event to the form button. As of 1.10.0 themes (and plug-ins) can over-ride the booking form templates, including the template used for buttons. You could add the onClick attribute there.

    As for specific details of the GA code I’m afraid I can’t help – I don’t use Google analytics in any meaningful way :).

    Stephen Harris

    ok. thanks.
    I couldn´t find where to put the onclick event to the button without changing a template.
    But maybe this helps for other people looking for this solution without Thank-you Page:

    You may just track the last part of the URL generated after the booking: /?booking-confirmation=offline#eo-bookings

    It works fine for me.

    edith mayerhofer

    Yeah templates will be in 1.10.0, and make it much easier.

    Or you can designate a page in the booking form settings for returning users to and then track that url, which is the same principle as you mention above.

    Stephen Harris
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