Get_events based on time

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    I have been trying to show events starting from now to the end of the day but with time. So if an event starts at 9:05, it would hide at 9:06, but I just found out that event_start_after and etc.. work with date, not time. Is there some quick and easy way to use it on time, rather than using long and complicated $wpdb?


    Marek Zelezny

    Hi Mark,

    but I just found out that event_start_after and etc.. work with date, not time

    That shouldn’t be the case. If you found some documentation saying that, could you point it out to me – it’s probably outdated. Time support for event queries was implemented a long time ago.

    $events = eo_get_events( array( 
        'event_start_after' => 'now',
        'event_end_before' => 'today', //Queries are inclusive!
    ) );

    Should work. There was a bug with eo_get_events() and relative date/queries which was fixed in Event Organiser 2.8.0.

    Stephen Harris

    I read on page this

    event_end_after – default: null. Events that end after the given date. This argument, and those above expect dates in Y-m-d format or relative dates.

    That “Y-m-d” format confused me probably then, but the problem is not fixed. I actually had it like this before.
    I set an event for today from 10:55 to 10:55 / 11:00 (gmt+2), it is now 10:57 / 11:04 and the event is still shown. So I guess I am wrongly choosing timeframe.

    This is the code:

                'posts_per_age' => 5,
                'event_start_after' => 'now',
                'event_end_before' => 'today',
                'meta_key' => 'mz_hoditdolu',
                'meta_value' => 'ne'
    Marek Zelezny

    I set an event for today from 10:55 to 10:55 / 11:00 (gmt+2), it is now 10:57 / 11:04

    Sorry, that’s confused me. Just to clarify: the event starts at 10:55 and finishes at 11:00 (local time) and the event doesn’t appear at 10:57?

    That would be expected, the current query is:

    Show events that

    • start after now (10:57)
    • and end on or before today

    If you’d like events that are running and at any point from now to the end of the day, try:

            'event_end_after' => 'now',
            'event_start_before' => 'today',
    Stephen Harris

    I shouldn’t have added that 11:00 time there. At first, I tried to set start time at 10:55 and end time 10:55. At 10:57 it was still shown. Then I tried 10:55 to 11:00 in case same start and end time would conflict but it was still there at 11:04.

        'event_end_after' => 'now',
        'event_start_before' => 'today', ));

    I tried but it’s still there (event’s set time)

    Marek Zelezny

    Hmm… that’s odd,

    Could you try adding this immediately before that query. It will kill the page and print the SQL statement.

    add_action( 'posts_request', 'wp_die' );

    What’s the SQL statement?

    (One thing to note – just make sure your computer time agrees with your website. I mention this because when I’m testing/developing I’ll occasionally change the timezone in WordPress, forget about it and become convinced there’s a bug down the line when the events I’m expecting are not showing up 😉 )

    Stephen Harris

    I visited the timezone setting in WordPress so many times wondering if it’s okay but yes it is (GMT+2).

    Here’s the statement

    SELECT wp_posts.*, wp_eo_events.event_id, wp_eo_events.event_id AS occurrence_id, wp_eo_events.StartDate, wp_eo_events.StartTime, wp_eo_events.EndDate, wp_eo_events.FinishTime, wp_eo_events.event_occurrence FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id) LEFT JOIN wp_eo_events ON = wp_eo_events.post_id WHERE 1=1 AND wp_posts.post_type = ‘event’ AND ((wp_posts.post_status = ‘publish’)) AND ( (wp_postmeta.meta_key = ‘mz_hoditdolu’ AND CAST(wp_postmeta.meta_value AS CHAR) = ‘ne’) ) AND (wp_eo_events.StartDate > ‘2014-07-28’ OR (wp_eo_events.StartDate = ‘2014-07-28′ AND wp_eo_events.StartTime > ’10:34:42’)) AND wp_eo_events.EndDate <= ‘2014-07-28’ GROUP BY wp_eo_events.event_id ORDER BY wp_eo_events.StartDate ASC, wp_eo_events.StartTime ASC

    Marek Zelezny

    Ah, that will be why.

    Could you select a city rather than an offset? The plug-in uses DateTimeZone which requires a city rather than offset, it does try to ‘guess’ a city from the given offset, but I’m not sure why it’s not working in this case.

    Can you confirm this by going to .../wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=event&page=debug and checking what the “Timezone” option is. It’ll probably be (incorrectly):

    Europe/London ( 2 / )

    Hence the hour discrepancy in the SQL statement.

    Stephen Harris

    Hmm, you are right, there is London. How can I change the city because I don’t know what I am exactly supposed to do.

    EDIT: Do you mean venue city?

    Marek Zelezny

    In Settings > General (WordPress’ general settings) you can select a timezone. Apart from the UTC offsets there are a list of cities, grouped by contintent you can select.

    Stephen Harris

    I see, I have never noticed there are also cities.

    Now it’s working. Thanks!

    Marek Zelezny

    No worries. The ‘bug’ which led to Europe/London being selected is because London adopted the +2 UTC timezone during WW2. :/. Hence it’s listed as a city with a UTC+2 offset (as well as UTC+0/1).

    After some research I’ve managed to improve it, but it’s always recommended to use cities over offsets.

    Stephen Harris
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