Future events first in admin panel

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paksha Thullner 11 years ago.

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    I would like to see immediately the upcoming events in the Events Admin panel. Now I have first to filter them by hand.
    Or can I add a button on top of the list to do the filtering and sorting with one click?

    Paksha Thullner

    Hi Paksha,

    There is already a filter for events (including ‘future events’) at the top. (Granted its two clicks rather than 1 😉 ).

    Otherwise you could you could add a link in the events menu which points to ...wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=event&eo_interval=future (that is, the events admin url with &eo_interval=future appended). (On how to add links to the admin menu, see this question on WPSE: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/1039/adding-an-arbitrary-link-to-the-admin-menu/3831#3831).

    But my preferred method is to use the admin calendar which opens on today’s date (month view). Clicking an event opens a modal which allows you to go to the event’s admin page.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you, Stephen,
    I managed! Your hint about the admin calendar is also great. I hadn’t discovered its possibilities.

    Paksha Thullner
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