full calendar error in layouting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    hi, i’ve got problem while showing full calendar..it seems the th days have a problem in coding it should but when i track them on firebug it written …so i want to fix this by searching the template page and i cant find it…can you tell me the solutions ?


    sorry ,
    hi, i’ve got problem while showing full calendar..it seems the th days have a problem in coding it should be [tr][th][/th][/tr][tr][th][/th][/tr] but when i track them on firebug it written [tr][th][/th][th][/th][th][/th][/tr]…so i want to fix this by searching the template page and i cant find it…can you tell me the solutions ?

    this my calendar : http://petro.comlu.com/?page_id=395


    The fullCalendar is handled entirely by javascript, see js/fullcalendar.js (note that the compressed version js/fullcalendar.min.js is the file that’s actually used).

    … but I’m not sure I follow you on the bug with the days…

    Stephen Harris
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