How can I just have free tickets only requiring the user to request them without going through any payment gateways?

Omayr McAdam
Hi Omayr,
If you’re selling only free tickets then the gateway selection won’t appear. If you have mixed free/paid tickets, and the user selects only free ones, they won’t be sent to a payment gateway regardless of which they select.

Stephen Harris
Thanks Stephen,
I now realise the payment gateway wont show up for free tickets. As all events are free I wanted to take it a step further by hiding any reference to price so I ended up reading through all the includes and functions files.
In the end I managed to make the booking form NOT display the price (and total price) fields for bookings so now it only shows Ticket Name and Quantity.
Still looking at how this can be saved so that when updates happen I wont loose what I changed.

Omayr McAdam
That will be quite difficult currently I’m afraid. But 1.4 will hopefully make it easier to edit the booking form. This is still being worked out, mind.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen, what file would I edit to hide the quantity field and the price field?

Ross Gosling
Hi Ross,
This isn’t possible yet -but will be in 1.4 with “Simple Booking Mode enabled”. I replied to your email, so if you urgently require this, just let me know and I can show you which files to edit.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Can you possible email me the files that need to be changed?
Or possibly a beta of 1.4?

Omayr McAdam