Filter calendars to display user's bookings instead of all events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Filter calendars to display user's bookings instead of all events

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi Stephen –

    Next bit of functionality I need: I need the calendar to display only events that a user has booked for, rather than all events. I’ve looked through the code that defines eo_get_event_fullcalendar but I can’t see where it gets the events from. I realize I’m almost certainly being thick, but any pointers would be much appreciated, as always.




    It gets the events via ajax: and that uses a standard WP_Query.

    But its not that easy to do at the moment. You would either need to specify explicitly which occurrences you wish to show, or filter the results. Neither is really possible without hacking the core functions, but I’ll be updating the free version shortly to make this possible (I’ll be introducing a booking-calendar in the next update).

    Stephen Harris
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