Is there an FES equivalent to this? Thanks.
function my_booking_notification_email( $emails, $booking_id ){
$emails = array(
‘’, //you can specify multiple emails
return $emails;<br />
add_filter( ‘eventorganiser_booking_notification_email’, ‘my_booking_notification_email’, 10, 2 );
Craig Haller
There is eventorganiser_fes_admin_email
which filters the email used, but its global and not aware of the event.
Are you trying to change the email, or CC emails based on the event?
Stephen Harris
Stephen: I sense you were away for a bit, hope it was fun if so.
I needed anytime a new event is posted that an alert goes to two members of my team based on nothing but that there is a new event. I thought of doing it in event_created but figured that would include ical imports, etc.
I ended up putting in a new email address then having my email server forward that email address to others as I need.
Craig Haller
Summer holidays 🙂
Yeah, the FES has far fewer hooks for email notifications than the booking notifications. I’ll release an update this week to add some additional filters.
Stephen Harris
Great. Looking forward to the new filters! And welcome back to work. lol
Craig Haller
1.8.0 has the following hooks added:
For the notification email sent to the submitter:
For the notification email sent to the admin email, this hook allows you to over-ride the recipient: eventorganiser_fes_submitted_event_admin_notification_email
You can pass an array to sent the “admin” notification email to multiple emails
Stephen Harris