Fatal Error? – PayPal as a Gateway?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Fatal Error? – PayPal as a Gateway?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    I have installed Event Organiser Pro on the website I am working on but cannot seem to connect PayPal as a gateway successfully.

    The website is a cooking school and I am trying to sell tickets to classes. http://reallifecookingschool.com/wordpress/schedule/

    I have individual events with a working form. The user can select ticket and quantity and the Book Button appears. When the user selects “Book” a fatal error comes up. http://reallifecookingschool.com/wordpress/events/event/class-one/ Please see below:

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /data/16/3/63/32/3226195/user/3601679/htdocs/wordpress/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/event-organiser-pro/includes/form-customiser/class-eo-booking-form-view.php on line 78

    I have read all of the docuemntation multiple times and have gone through multiple posts in this forum and still have had no success. Are there any real specific directions on how to setup PayPal as a gateway?

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    Thanks again


    Luis Delgado

    Hi Luis,

    Could you try changing line 78 of /includes/form-customiser/class-eo-booking-form-view.php to

    $ticket = (array) $tickets[$t_id];
    $ticket['available'] = min( $ticket['spaces'], $set_spaces['tickets'][$t_id] );
    $tickets[$t_id] = (object) $ticket;

    Also, do you know which php version you are running?

    There’ll be update later tonight to address this.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen for not only the quick response but for the fix. Everything seems to be in order now.

    Two more quick questions though:

    1. Is there any way to have bookings automatically confirmed as opposed to having to log into the WP Dashboard everytime I receive a booking notification just to confirm them.

    2. What is you best advice when it comes to getting some type of tangible ticket in the customers hands after making a purchase? Is there a way to send them perhaps a PDF of a ticket as part of the purchasing process?

    Thanks for all the help!


    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  Luis Delgado.
    Luis Delgado

    Hi Luis,

    Bookings should automatically be confirmed whenever payments are confirmed. In the case of offline payments that has to be done manually (though you could add some code to automatically confirm those). “Free” bookings are confirmed automatically. (If you’re using PayPal, and PayPal is confirming payment, but this not being reflected in the admin, let me know – as there is likely an problem with IPN notifications)

    Regarding PDF tickets – there is actually a plug-in currently in (the late stages of) development which creates PDF tickets (with a corresponding Android app for scanning these tickets in). I’m hoping to make it available to beta-testers in the next few weeks if you would be interested? (Android app will be available at a later date – other mobile devices may be supported later depending on demand).

    Stephen Harris
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