Fatal Error

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    I have just purchased and uploaded the Pro version and when I try to activate it I get a “Fatal Error memory exhausted” message.
    Is this version compatible with the newest version of WordPress???
    Do I have to deactivate the basic version before activating the Pro version???
    Is there any documentation on how to properly activate the Pro version???

    Any/All help on this would be greatly appreciated…this looks to be an amazing tool for my site and would love to get it up and running.
    Thanks for all of your help and support!

    Devon Reynolds

    Hi Devon,

    Yes, the plug-in is compatible from 3.3 through to 3.8.1. And no, you do not deactivate the free version. And from what I can tell, you’ve activated the plug-in properly.

    The error message indicates that the server has exhausted all the memory allocated to it. Sometimes this can be caused by an infinite loop – but I don’t think that’s the case here. Otherwise it can just be caused by using a large number of plug-ins or using plug-ins which are ‘greedy’ or otherwise do a lot of ‘work’ (read: use up alot of memory). Often its more than one (analogy: each plug-in trying to grab a slice of pie, eventually it runs out)

    Your host may allow you to increase memory allocation, and this may resolve the issue. ( http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP). You can also increase the memory limit by following these steps:

    1. Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT','96M');

    2. If you have access to your PHP.ini file, change the line in PHP.ini

      memory_limit = 96M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (96MB)
    3. If you don’t have access to PHP.ini try adding this to an .htaccess file: `php_value memory_limit 96M`

    If you’re not sure, your host should be able to provide you with assistance.

    However, even if that does resolve the issue, you will probably want to identify the plug-in or theme responsible (or mostly responsible). I’ll say here that I do not believe Event Organiser is solely responsible for the memory exhaustion. To give you an idea, my test install has 107 plug-ins installed, including Event Organiser, Event Organiser Pro and that clocks at 18M (well below the typical 32M or 64M limits), but I’ll happily help you investigate this further.

    I’d recommend disabling your theme & plug-ins in turn and measuring memory usage. There are plug-ins available which do this, and Event Organiser also clocks this on the debug page (../wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=event&page=debug) . Of course, you may need to deactivate other plug-ins to allow one of those two to be activated. But once you’ve done that you can look at how the memory usage changes as the plug-ins are activated. Memory usage will vary from page to page – and any particular plug-in’s contribution will vary from page to page, but it serves as a rough indication.

    If you notice the memory usage changes dramatically after a plug-in is activated/deactivated then that’s a fair indication that the plug-in is using a lot of memory. Hopefully you’ll be able to increase the memory allocation, in which case the whole problem is mute.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you for your help with this matter. I was able to allocate more space on my site and was able to add and activate the plugin.

    Now I am having a problem…
    After I entered in all of the needed information about the event, I made both an Event widget and added Events to the meta menu. When I click on the event I end up on what appears to be a blog entry page and only the details are displayed. No venue map, ticket area or anything.

    Please check this out on my site: http://www.keystonediscgolf.com and see what I am talking about. I am fairly new to wordpress and web page development so maybe I am just doing something wrong.

    Thanks again for all of your help!!!

    Devon Reynolds

    Hi Devon,

    We’ve been discussing this via e-mail, but I’m posting something here for the benefit of future visitors.

    If event details aren’t displaying, you should check that:

    • In Settings > Event Organiser > General that the templates are enabled
    • That the tickets you’ve created have a quantity 1 or above.
    • That if the tickets are only on sale for a specified period, then at least one is currently on sale.
    • That if any of the tickets are not free, that at least one of the payment gateway is enabled.
    Stephen Harris
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