Events won't delete

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #19866

    I continually try to Trash old events, then delete them permanently. But inevitably, they come back…I don’t know how this could be happening. Any insight?

    Cameron Underdown

    Hi Cameron,

    How were these events created? Are they being automatically imported using the iCal extension?

    Stephen Harris

    Yes. They were all created in wordpress, but then are fed to the ical extension.

    Cameron Underdown

    So they’re being pulled in from an external source using iCal?

    In that case, what you describe is expected behavior. It pulls in events from the feed and if the event isn’t on your site then it creates it.

    Are you able to delete the events from the source feed?

    Stephen Harris

    Figured it out. Thanks for your instruction – I figured out the functionality I was using improperly!

    Cameron Underdown

    Glad that’s sorted for you.

    Stephen Harris
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