Events without End Time

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    We have many events which have a start time but not fixed end time. For example a baseball game may be starting at 10 AM but does not have any fixed end time. Is it possible to make end time optional in any way. Code or otherwise?

    Sadik Bhimani

    Events have to have a definitive end date/time. This is necessary for the plug-in to be able to display it on a calendar appropriately, and decide whether it should appear on a list of past events (for instance).

    However, you can edit the templates to not show the event’s end date/time. If you want some events to have a end datetime and others not, you could use a custom field to indicate an event has no explicit end datetime and account for that in the plug-in template.

    Exactly how you would do that depends on where you want to make the changes, but all the shortcodes, widgets and event pages have template files you can edit.

    Stephen Harris
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