[events] Related events

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mario P. 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7811

    Hi Stephen.

    Do you have any ideas how to display related events on single-event page? As for me, i need only few (random or latest, doesnt matter) events in same category. But as an idea you can make some options avaiable from admin panel. 🙂

    Iurii Smuglov

    I’ll write up a tutorial on this next week, but you can use eo_get_events() (see codex) (along with the argument tax_query to get events in given categories and/or venues).

    Remember that eo_get_events() is just a wrapper for get_posts() which itself uses WP_Query. So you can use everything detailed on this page: http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query too.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I tried to create a list of “related events” under the single-event.php but I did not succeed …
    Related event also good for SEO…

    Can you write up a simple tutorial ?

    Mario P.

    Hi Mario,

    How are you determine what events are related to the current one?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I think it is a good:
    – events w/ same category and same state,
    – if no events in same state show events in country

    Mario P.
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