events redirect to page

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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  • #3431

    When clicking on an event in the sidebar or from the calendar, can I redirect it to a Page I can change how it views ?
    Would like No Sidebar, No Author and Date showing.


    You can change the link yes – see this page:

    But it sounds like you might just want to be editing the templates.

    Stephen Harris

    I am new to WordPress and am not a programmer. Tried looking for a Plugin and Widget to work with your plugin but not luck.
    Here is a image for the church I am trying to support. They do not like the sidebar and the author and date showing. Ant suggestions ?


    Yup, try editing the templates – the link above should give you a good start.

    An example of a template for the single event page can be found here: (it is also in the ‘templates’ folder of the plug-in).

    Copy that file (single-event.php) across into your theme and add/remove bits you don’t want. It might not ‘look right’ depending on your theme. If this happens, take a look at your theme’s single.php and use that as a basis for single-event.php

    Stephen Harris
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