Events Page permalink — why /events/events instead of just /events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Events Page permalink — why /events/events instead of just /events

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Clifford P 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16660

    A link like /events/events doesn’t look the cleanest.
    I understand /events/event (single event) or /events/venues
    But why not just /events instead of /events/events

    Clifford P

    The default structure is /events/event (no second s). The reason for is two fold:

    1) It’s a hang-over from when the single event page url and events page had the same structure. As you point out, this makes sense for single event pages.
    2) ‘events’ on its own is very general, and would quite often conflict with a user creating a page called ‘events’ (which is understandably very common). The default structure is chosen to avoid potential conflicts.

    These structures can be changed on the Settings > Event Organiser > Permalinks page.

    Stephen Harris

    So just change from /events/event (EVENTS PAGE) to /events and that becomes the Event Post Type archive. Nice.

    Just wanted to make sure I didn’t mess anything up doing that.

    Clifford P
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