Events not linking correctly

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #8021

    Hey Stephen!

    Love the plugin- using it for many sites. Will recommend it and check back often- eagerly awaiting the board view release.

    Anyway, our issue is that when you visit the calendar at our site: and click on any event, the event will no longer link to a description of the event or a single event page– only a 404 error. The same goes for this page: . We did add some new plugins– and have tried deactivating them all to see if any of them could have caused this—-really worried and hoping you might have some insight – as our clients are big users of the calendar and have entered quite a few events. We are really stumped.

    Also wondering when you expect the print- readiness to be available. There are a few instances in our work where we’d LOVE to use this feature.

    Hope this finds you well (and that you may be able to help us sort this out)

    -CE @ WA

    Ann/Caitlin Wiegand/Everett

    Searched around a bit. Found this support topic in a WordPress forum:

    So… I turned off pretty permalinks in the plugin settings and seem to have fixed big calendar issues.

    Fewf- feeling better.

    Still very interested in the print styling feature and the pin-board view.

    Keep us updated.

    -CE @ WA– Thanks!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Ann/Caitlin Wiegand/Everett.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Ann/Caitlin Wiegand/Everett.
    Ann/Caitlin Wiegand/Everett


    Glad you like the plug-in :).

    Sometimes when you activate a new plug-in it can upset the rewrite rules. Usually going to Settings > Permalinks and clicking ‘save’, actually fixes any issues (unless there is a genuine clash or ambiguity in url structure). So if you find you’d prefer pretty permalinks for events I’d suggest giving that a go. (Deactivating plug-ins won’t necessarily immediately resolve the issue either).

    The thread you linked to is in fact the only instance I’ve come across where pretty permalinks simply wouldn’t work, and that seemed to be due to a bug in other a plug-in.

    I’m hoping there’ll be an announcement soon on the event board. As for the ‘print’ button for the calendar, that has been shelved for a while, but I’ll definitely take another look at it…

    Stephen Harris
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