I recently purchased your pro version in order to gain access to the events map shortcode functionality and separate/sort events by category.
I have created an events category “Events – 2014” (slug: events-2014) and added all events to this category.
Then used: [event_map width="100%" height="300px" event_category="events-2014"]
For some reason, only a few of the venues/events have popped up on the map. I cannot pinpoint why.
Here is the direct link to the page: http://www.ataii.com/events-2014/
Here is the venue map page I am trying to switch it from: http://www.ataii.com/events/
Thank you.

Mike Rouhizad
Hi Mike,
The event map shortcode will only display venues for 10 events (by default, you can change this via the posts_per_page
attribute). Of those events, only events with venues will be displayed, and multiple venues will be appear once (default behaviour is for the venue tooltip to list the events at that venue, matching the query).
I can see 8 venues, each with one event. Could it be that 2 events don’t have venues?

Stephen Harris
Okay, is the posts_per_page attribute added to the shortcode directly or within the functions as a filter?
I thought the same thing, but when viewing WP Dashboard > Events > Venues there are 85 Venue items. Out of 85 — 45 have “Events” attached to them (I counted).
It is very odd as I have also manually went to a specific event and Added A New Venue to it within the Event Post itself.

Mike Rouhizad
can be specified as shortcode attribute.
How many venues have events associated with them is irrelevant as your searching/displaying events. It’s how many events have venues.
The event search map will display events matching a query on a map, but the event will only actually appear if it has a venue. posts_per_page
is set to 10 for this shortcode by default, so in theory if of the matching 10 events, only 8 have venues, you’ll only see 8 events on the map.
If, however, all the events have venues associated with them, then there’s probably a bug, and I’d be happy to investigate it for you .

Stephen Harris
Under WP Dashboard > Events > There are about 45-46 Events that have Venues associated/attached/assigned to them. I did, however, use the posts_per_page
and it successfully displayed about 44 or 45 Events.
A couple of other issues though/questions…
When creating a new event and trying to assign a venue, as you are typing an “autocomplete” hover box appears, however, if you hover over it with your mouse it disappears. Is this supposed to work this way? It will not let me select a pre-existing venue neither within the disappearing hover box (obviously) or by just typing the pre-existing venue and updating/publishing.
Are you not able to assign 1 venue to multiple events? If so, how is this supposed to be accomplished?
I have also tried duplicating the venue by Events > Add New > Add New Venue, however, it will not save to that event.
Thank you for your time.

Mike Rouhizad
Hi Mike,
Yes you should be able to assign any number of venues to an event. Furthermore, the auto-complete suggestions shouldn’t disappear when you hover over them.
In my experience these problems are caused by a plugin/theme loading an older version of jQuery (sometimes as well as the WordPress-shipped version, sometimes instead of). I’d recommend temporarily disabling other plug-ins/themes to see if this is the case (and if so, which plug-in/theme) or inspecting the resource sources in you browser’s developer tools.

Stephen Harris